# Goals
This re-cap (circa Jan/Feb 2021) tries to summarize the breadth of different goals floating around for message templates. (Listing is in no particular order)
* Be able to choose/load the most appropriate template from a list of several templates
* Match by drafting status
* Match by locale
* (*WHY: This allows editing/curation by larger teams.*)
* Be able to model inputs required for a given template (metadata)
* Get a list of expected inputs and types
* Validate specific inputs against the model
* (WHY: This allows web GUIs, upgrade advisors, validators, etc.)
* Be able to process templates with different notations, eg
* *Logic notation*: Smarty | TokenProcessor | Twig
* *Layout notation*: HTML | Text | Mosaico-JSON-HTML | MJML | Pug
* (*WHY: Maintainability - this allows template notation to evolve without breaking existing customizations*)
* (*NOTE: This is not saying that it's good have 20 different notations. It's saying that we're currently hard-coded to 1 notation -- and if we want to evolve to the notation, then that requires a different mentality/rigor.*)
* Be able to compose mail templates from smaller chunks, eg
* Implemented as tokens, Smarty functions, Smarty includes, or similar
* Built by devs (code/extensions)
* Built by web-admins (eg tokens or `{include}`s that pull from other DB)
* Drag-and-drop element?
* Be able to render with multiple output modes
* Show a preview
* Send an email to the intended recipient
* Send a preview email to a reviewer/tester
* Generate a PDF
* (*WHY: Maintainability - ensure mechanics of rendering/sync/etc work the same regardless of medium*)
* Be able to sync/update templates via workflows for:
* Web-based admins (eg update DB content)
* Installation/upgrade (eg sync File=>DB)
* Git-based staging/dev/prod (eg sync DB<=>File)
* (*WHY: This enables distribution/collaboration among diff people/teams.*)
* Be able to preview with different examples
* Curated examples (JSON)
* Real examples (DB records)
* Interactive examples (eg form-table or Monaco-JSON)
* (*WHY: This makes it easier to draft/test/validate the complex codes that appear in many templates*)
* Provide backward compatibility with any extension which:
* Fires an email for a pre-existing core MsgTpl (via `sendTemplate()`)
* Registers a custom MsgTpl and fire an email (via `sendTemplate()`)
* Uses hook_alterMailParams(&$params, 'messageTemplate')
* Uses hook_tokenValues / hook_tokens
* Uses hook_alterMailContent(&$mailContent)
* (*RELATED: If an extension previously provided a MsgTpl, then it would not have metadata, which may limit how it's used. Need some way to either provide defaults and/or backfill metadata and/or work without metadata.*)
# Comments
(eileen/wmf) On our priorities:
* These bits are interesting but not pressing:
* Interactive examples (eg form-table or Monaco-JSON)
* These bits are not currently in our scope of work:
* Be able to process templates with different notations
* Be able to sync template content