Feature request - Filter case activities to only activity types in civicase
When viewing a case, users should only be able to filter on activity types available to the civicase.
Example use-case
- Find any case and click on "Manage". Or, just view a contact's case.
- Click on Search Filters to expand options. See Activity type dropdown (see attached image)
Current behaviour
Currently, click on the Activity Type dropdown will list all activity types in civicase.
Proposed behaviour
Users should only be able to see activity types that are part of the case. For example: here's two case types with their activity types:
Housing Support: Medical evaluation, secure temporary housing Adult Day Care Referral: Medical evaluation, mental health evaluation, ADC referral
When viewing John Doe's "Housing Support" case, it doesn't seem to make sense that users can filter on the activity type "ADC referral" if this activity type will never appear on this case. The "ADC referral" was not added as an option in the "Housing Support" case.
Not sure if this would be considered an extension or part of civicore. Also, wouldn't mind marking this as a paid issue in case others might be interested in contributing.