Regression? No way to change the tax rate and tax amount using buildamount hook
In 5.35.x LineItem create api allowed one to set a different tax_amount in api params for a financial type that had tax enabled. The tax amount could then be calculated programatically based on region, location etc instead of using the config specified in the UI.
civicrm_api3('LineItem', 'create', [
'entity_id' => 284,
'qty' => 1,
'unit_price' => 100,
'line_total' => 100,
'entity_table' => "civicrm_contribution",
'tax_amount' => 20,
'financial_type_id' => "Donation",
'price_field_id' => "contribution_amount",
'price_field_value_id' => "single",
Another way of calculating tax on online forms was using the buildamount hook
function advanceinvoicing_civicrm_buildAmount($pageType, &$form, &$amount) {
$amount[$priceFieldId]['options'][$priceFieldValueId]['tax_rate'] = 10;
$amount[$priceFieldId]['options'][$priceFieldValueId]['tax_amount'] = 0.1;
A recent change to the line item create function has stopped allowing tax amount to be set programmatically.
Is this intentional? Is there any way to support different tax rate for single financial type?
Edited by JoeMurray