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    Change default for CIVICRM_CONTAINER_CACHE to simplify admin/developer experience · 5497e016
    totten authored
    In discussion of cache-related PRs for Civi 5.3, there were a few
    reports/issues from developers observing `ServiceNotFoundException`.  This
    is because there's not much awareness about how service-definitions are
    cached.  It shouldn't be a significant issue for production systems running
    vanilla code, but for admins and developers (who juggle patches/branches),
    it can cause confusion/support-issues/false-failures.  This PR aims to
    reduce those.
    (This is a follow-up/substitute for #12401.)
    * The default value of `CIVICRM_CONTAINER_CACHE` is `always`.
    * The default value of `CIVICRM_CONTAINER_CACHE` is `auto`.
    Technical Details
    The Symfony container essentially stores a list of "services".  In some
    Symfony-based apps, building the list of services can be time consuming, so
    it's common to cache this.
    In Civi, this cache physically appears as
    `files/civicrm/templates_c/CachedCiviContainer.*.php`.  The constant
    `CIVICRM_CONTAINER_CACHE` determines how Civi manages the cache.  There are
    three available policies:
    * `never`: This means we never use the cache.  You never have to worry about
      staleness.  But it means we have to fire `hook_civicrm_container` on every
      page-request, and we go through any container-compilation tasks.
      This would have the fewest support-issues for devs and advanced admins.
    * `always`: This means we always use whatever is in the cache.  It never
      (automatically) rebuilds the cache or checks freshness...  if you make
      change, then you must flush the cache explicitly.  This should be the
      fastest in production.
    * `auto`: This means we typically use the cache (avoiding
      hooks/recompilation), but it has to `stat()` a half-dozen files to check
      the modification time.  (To wit: if the timestamp on
      `Civi/Core/Container.php` changes, then we discard the cache.)
    Since performance is a consideration, I did some light benchmarking on my
    laptop (fetching a basic public Civi page 100 times across 3 threads).
    In these results, the `never` policy appears to be ~15-20ms slower than
    `auto` or `always`. `auto` is only ~2ms slower than `always`.
    The other consideration is accuracy -- `auto` will usually re-compile if you
    make a change, but there are some edge-cases where you must still flush
    manually.  (In particular -- when you first implement
    `hook_civicrm_container` in a new extension, it might not be aware of the
    new extension.  And extensions need to call `$container->addResource()`.)
    However, overall, `auto` is a pretty good compromise that's almost as fast
    you can get and works out-of-the-box for many dev/admin scenarios.