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Paid Issue Queue

Paid Issue Queue Archived

Some key points:

  1. Any issue can be tagged as "Paid Issue Queue", indicating that the submitter is willing to fund all or a portion of the issue in order to prioritize it.
  2. Issues are tagged Paid Issue Queue either by submitter, triage manager or Core Team.
  3. Only supporting level contributors and partners (or higher) can partake in the PIQ. This ensures some degree of quality.
  4. Core Team has first right of refusal on any issue.
  5. Funding status field is managed by Core Team (“Estimate Needed”, “Estimate Accepted”, “Invoiced”, “Paid”, etc.)
  6. Quotes can be provided directly in Jira on a project basis (not hourly).
  7. The Core Team acts as financial clearing house (escrow), receiving payment from requester in advance, and remitting payment to developer once work has been finalized and approved.
  8. The Core Team will retain 15% of fees.
  9. 10% to CT general ops
  10. 5% to bug fund
  11. In the event of an issue, the Core Team will mediate/arbitrate.
  12. Quotes/work accepted by ineligible developers will not be merged without QA by Core Team, billable at $175 per hour paid in advance.
  13. Additional users may contribute financially to an issue.
  14. CiviCRM will sponsor an annual bug sprint.