# Data Processor The data processor is an extension with which system administrator can do the following: * Create custom searches with optional the possibility to export the results * Create an API to fetch data. This is quite useful if you have external systems which need data from CiviCRM. * ... and developers can enhance the outputs of the data processor so that much more is possible, even things we haven't thought of yet. Below a screenshot of the configuration screen  And below a screenshot of the above data processor in action as a custom search:  The extension is licensed under [AGPL-3.0](LICENSE.txt). ## Documentation * [How to create a search with the data processor](docs/how_to_create_search.md) * [Using API output to fetch the results in data processor](docs/HowToAddAPIDataOutput.md) * How to export and import a data processor ## Developer documentation * Enhancing the data processor * [Available Hooks](docs/hooks.md) * [Add your own data source for a CiviCRM Entity](docs/add_your_own_datasource.md) * Add your own data source for a CSV File * How to store a data processor in code in your extension * [Develop PHPUnit TestCase for the extension](docs/how_to_create_test.md) ## Installation Install this extension by downloading it from https://lab.civicrm.org/extensions/dataprocessor/-/archive/master/dataprocessor-master.zip and then upload it to your civicrm server in the extension folder. And then press install in the Administer --> System Settings --> Extensions screen. ## Optional To get more information about each fields in DataProcessor. A CiviTutorial has been created, to view tutorial install CiviTutorial Extension. To Install CiviTutorial in the Administer --> System Settings --> Extensions screen. (Found in Add New)