diff --git a/docs/hooks/index.md b/docs/hooks/index.md
index 723f4998c244fe00d857a858d7b8e0bab98ca24d..1c97aaae2d5c5eccbcab2e7933e75b939f00fb7d 100644
--- a/docs/hooks/index.md
+++ b/docs/hooks/index.md
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
 ## Overview
-Hooks are a common way to extend systems. Let's say you want to send a 
-message to someone in your organization every time a contact is created. An 
-easy way to do this would be to insert code to send the message in the 
-CiviCRM core code right where the contact is created. However, as soon as we 
-upgrade to a newer version all this code will be overwritten. This is where 
+Hooks are a common way to extend systems. Let's say you want to send a
+message to someone in your organization every time a contact is created. An
+easy way to do this would be to insert code to send the message in the
+CiviCRM core code right where the contact is created. However, as soon as we
+upgrade to a newer version all this code will be overwritten. This is where
 hooks come in to save the day.
-At key points in processing - for example saving 
-something to the database - CiviCRM checks to see whether you've "hooked in" 
+At key points in processing - for example saving
+something to the database - CiviCRM checks to see whether you've "hooked in"
 some custom code, and runs any valid code it finds.
-Hooks allow you to do this by defining a function with a specific name and 
-adding it to your organisation's CiviCRM installation. The name of the 
-function indicates the point at which CiviCRM should call it. CiviCRM looks 
-for appropriate function names and calls the functions whenever it performs 
+Hooks allow you to do this by defining a function with a specific name and
+adding it to your organisation's CiviCRM installation. The name of the
+function indicates the point at which CiviCRM should call it. CiviCRM looks
+for appropriate function names and calls the functions whenever it performs
 the indicated operations.
 Hooks are a powerful way to extend CiviCRM's functionality, incorporate
@@ -23,40 +23,43 @@ Many CiviCRM developers find themselves using them in nearly every customization
 !!! tip
-    A good test for whether or not to use a hook is to ask yourself whether 
-    what you're trying to do can be expressed with a sentence like this: "I want 
+    A good test for whether or not to use a hook is to ask yourself whether
+    what you're trying to do can be expressed with a sentence like this: "I want
     X to happen every time someone does Y."
-## Hook naming
+## Usage
-The names of all the hook functions follow a pattern:
+There are two ways to use hooks: the traditional method and the Symfony events method.
-The two parts that you'll be changing are:
+### Traditional method
-1. ==EXTENSION-NAME==: Depending on your installation this can change. In 
-[Drupal](/hooks/setup/drupal.md) it will be the name of your extension. In
-[Joomla](/hooks/setup/joomla.md) it will be "joomla".
-2. ==HOOK-NAME==: This is the name of the event you want to hook into, for
-example `validateForm`. You'll need to check the reference for a full list of 
-hooks that are available.
+The traditional method of using a hook is to create a function with a specific name such as:
-So if you were creating an extension called `superextension` in Drupal and 
-wanted to do something right after your extension was installed then your 
-function would be:
+function myextension_civicrm_buildForm($formName, &$form) {
+  // do something
+This works well in many cases but has its limitations.  For example, if two extensions call the same hook there is no way to determine which runs first.
+For details, see [Tradtional Hooks](/hooks/usage/extension.md)
+### Symfony method
+A newer method that provides greater flexibility is to use Symfony events.
+For example:
-function superextension_civicrm_install() {
-  // do something here
+Civi::dispatcher()->addListener('hook_civicrm_buildForm', "myextension_buildForm", $priority);
+function myextension_buildForm($event) {
+  // do something
-!!! tip
-    To see what the parameters for your new function should be just check the 
-    documentation, in this case 
-    [hook_civicrm_install](/hooks/hook_civicrm_install.md)
+For more details see [Hooks with Symfony](/hooks/usage/symfony.md)
 ## Targeting Certain Events
@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ object of any type (contact, tag, group, activity, etc.). But usually, you want
 to launch an action only for a specific type of entity.
 So a hook generally starts with a test on the type of entity or type of action.
-For instance, if you want to act only when an address was edited, start your 
+For instance, if you want to act only when an address was edited, start your
 `civicrm_post` hook with:
@@ -75,183 +78,33 @@ if ($objectName != "Address" || $op != "edit") {
-## Pitfalls of hooks
+## Pitfalls of Hooks
 Because you have little control over what CiviCRM passes to your hook function,
 it is very helpful to look inside those objects (especially `$objectRef`) to
 make sure you're getting what you expect.
-A good debugger is indispensable here. See the 
+A good debugger is indispensable here. See the
 [page on debugging](/tools/debugging.md) for more information on setting up
  a debugger for your development environment.
 !!! warning
-    From time to time an new release of the CiviCRM can deprecate or change 
+    From time to time a new release of CiviCRM can deprecate or change
     certain hooks. Keep this in mind when upgrading, and make sure you
-    check the release notes before upgrading. 
+    check the release notes before upgrading.
+## Packaging Hooks
+Hooks are packaged in CMS-agnostic [extensions](/extensions/index.md).
 ## Organizing Your Hooks
-You may find that some of your hooks target a lot of different cases. Such 
+You may find that some of your hooks target a lot of different cases. Such
 hooks can quickly get out of control, and maintaining them can be a nightmare.
-You might find it helpful when implementing a hook to delegate certain 
-operations to different functions instead of lumping it all in together in 
+You might find it helpful when implementing a hook to delegate certain
+operations to different functions instead of lumping it all in together in
 the main hook.
-If you're using [Civix](/extensions/civix.md) to create your extension it will 
-automatically generate wrapper code for your hook. 
-For more information you can checkout the README in this 
-[zip file][wrapper-zip] for setting up an example Drupal module that 
-illustrates this technique.
-## Examples of using hooks
-In all of these examples, you'll put the code we provide into your
-`myhooks.module` file if using Drupal, or the `civicrmHooks.php` file if using
-Joomla!. Be sure to upload the file after each change to the appropriate
-location on your server to see the new code take effect.
-Because the majority of users currently use CiviCRM with Drupal we'll assume 
-you're using Drupal for the rest of the example. But don't worry Joomla! users, 
-the concept is the same and just requires some tweaks to get it working. Have a
-look at the [Joomla help](/hooks/setup/joomla.md) for more instructions.
-### Setting Text on a Form
-To implement `hook_civicrm_buildForm` from within the "myextension" extension 
-you would add the following function to your main .php or .module file (or a 
-file always included by that script):
-function myextension_civicrm_buildForm($formName, &$form) {
-  // note that form was passed by reference
-  $form->assign('intro_text', ts('hello world'));
- }
-As long as the extension is enabled, this function will be called every time 
-CiviCRM builds a form.
-### Sending an Email Message When an Individuals Was Edited
-In order to have CiviCRM tell you when an Individual was edited, define the
-`civicrm_pre` hook. This lets you see the incoming edits as well as the values
-of the existing record, because you may want to include that information in the
-function myextension_civicrm_pre( $op, $objectName, $objectId, &$objectRef ) {
-  // Make sure we just saved an Individual contact and that it was edited
-	if ($objectName != "Individual" || $op != "edit") {
-	  return;
-  }
-  // send the email
-  $emailSubject = "An Individual was edited";
-  $emailBody = sprintf("Someone edited Individual with ID %d\n", $objectId);
-  $emailRecipient = 'johndoe@example.org';
-  mail( $emailRecipient, $emailSubject, $emailBody );
-### Validating Form Content
-If you have experience with other hook-based systems, you might think that the
-`civicrm_pre` hook is the one to use for validations. But this is not the case
-in CiviCRM because, even though the `civicrm_pre` hook is called before the
-record is saved to the database, you cannot abort the action from this hook.
-This is where form validation hooks come in. When you return true from a 
-validation hook CiviCRM saves the new or updated record. When you return an 
-error array instead, CiviCRM aborts the operation and reports your error to 
-the user.
-function myextension_civicrm_validateForm($formName, &$fields, &$files, &$form, &$errors) {  
-  $errors = array();
-  // check we're targeting the right form
-  if ($formName != 'My_Contact_Form') {
-    return true;
-  }
-   $firstName = CRM_Utils_Array::value( 'first_name', $fields );
-   // ensure that firstName is present and valid
-   if (!$firstName) {
-      $errors['first_name'] = ts( 'First name is a required field' );
-   } elseif (strlen($firstName) > 50) {
-      $errors['first_name'] = ts( 'First name must be less than 50 characters');
-   }
-  return empty($errors) ? true : $errors;
-### Custom mail merge token
-The CiviMail component lets you customize a bulk email message using mail merge
-tokens. For instance, you can begin your message with, "Hi,
-{recipient.first_name}!" and when John Doe receives it, he'll see, "Hi, John!"
-whereas when Suzy Queue receives it, she'll see, "Hi, Suzy!"
-Besides the built-in tokens, you can use a hook to create new custom tokens.
-Let's make a new one that will show the largest contribution each recipient has
-given in the past.
- * Implement this hook so we can add our new token to the list of tokens
- * displayed to CiviMail users and set the default
- * 
- * @param array $tokens
-function myextension_civicrm_tokens(&$tokens) {
-  if (isset($tokens['contribution'])) {
-    return;
-  }
-  $tokens['contribution'] = array('contribution.max' => 'Max Contribution');
- * @param array $details
- *   The array to store the token values indexed by contactIDs (unless single)
- * @param array $contactIDs
- *   An array of contactIDs
- * @param int $jobID
- *   The jobID if this is associated with a CiviMail mailing.
- * @param array $tokens
- *   The list of tokens associated with the content
- * @param string $className
- *   The top level className from where the hook is invoked
- *
- * @return null
-function myextension_civicrm_tokenValues(&$details, $contactIDs, $jobID, $tokens, $className) {
-  // validate that we're targeting the right event
-  if ($className != SomeCustomClass::class) {
-    return;
-  }
-  // fetch the maximum contribution here
-  foreach ($contactIDs as $contactID) {
-    $max = my_function_to_get_the_max($contactID);
-    $details[$contactID]['contribution.max'] = $max;
-  }  
-[wrapper-zip]: http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/download/attachments/86213379/callhooks.zip?version=1&modificationDate=1372586243000&api=v2
+If you're using [Civix](/extensions/civix.md) to create your extension it will
+automatically generate wrapper code for your hook.
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similarity index 100%
rename from docs/hooks/setup/drupal.md
rename to docs/hooks/usage/drupal.md
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7169a1e19db2976a62356791d3ebd2f5387e6dce
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@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+## Getting started
+The names of all the hook functions follow a pattern:
+1. Review the [list of hooks](/hooks/list.md) and find the hook that matches your need.
+1. Read the documentation page for that hook
+1. In your extension, create a function replacing `hook_`  with your extension name, and with the same signature.
+So if you were creating an extension called `superextension` and
+wanted to do something right after your extension was installed then your
+function would be:
+function superextension_civicrm_install() {
+  // do something here
+## Examples of using hooks
+In all of these examples, you'll put the code we provide into your
+extension. Be sure to upload the file after each change to the appropriate
+location on your server to see the new code take effect.
+### Setting Text on a Form
+To implement `hook_civicrm_buildForm` from within the "myextension" extension
+you would add the following function to your main `myextension.php` file (or a
+file always included by that script):
+function myextension_civicrm_buildForm($formName, &$form) {
+  // note that form was passed by reference
+  $form->assign('intro_text', ts('hello world'));
+ }
+As long as the extension is enabled, this function will be called every time
+CiviCRM builds a form.
+### Sending an Email Message When an Individuals Was Edited
+In order to have CiviCRM tell you when an Individual was edited, define the
+`civicrm_pre` hook. This lets you see the incoming edits as well as the values
+of the existing record, because you may want to include that information in the
+function myextension_civicrm_pre($op, $objectName, $objectId, &$objectRef) {
+  // Make sure we just saved an Individual contact and that it was edited
+	if ($objectName != "Individual" || $op != "edit") {
+	  return;
+  }
+  // send the email
+  $emailSubject = "An Individual was edited";
+  $emailBody = sprintf("Someone edited Individual with ID %d\n", $objectId);
+  $emailRecipient = 'johndoe@example.org';
+  mail( $emailRecipient, $emailSubject, $emailBody );
+### Validating Form Content
+If you have experience with other hook-based systems, you might think that the
+`civicrm_pre` hook is the one to use for validations. But this is not the case
+in CiviCRM because, even though the `civicrm_pre` hook is called before the
+record is saved to the database, you cannot abort the action from this hook.
+This is where form validation hooks come in. When you return true from a
+validation hook CiviCRM saves the new or updated record. When you return an
+error array instead, CiviCRM aborts the operation and reports your error to
+the user.
+function myextension_civicrm_validateForm($formName, &$fields, &$files, &$form, &$errors) {
+  $errors = array();
+  // check we're targeting the right form
+  if ($formName != 'My_Contact_Form') {
+    return true;
+  }
+   $firstName = CRM_Utils_Array::value( 'first_name', $fields );
+   // ensure that firstName is present and valid
+   if (!$firstName) {
+      $errors['first_name'] = ts( 'First name is a required field' );
+   } elseif (strlen($firstName) > 50) {
+      $errors['first_name'] = ts( 'First name must be less than 50 characters');
+   }
+  return empty($errors) ? true : $errors;
+### Custom mail merge token
+The CiviMail component lets you customize a bulk email message using mail merge
+tokens. For instance, you can begin your message with, "Hi,
+{recipient.first_name}!" and when John Doe receives it, he'll see, "Hi, John!"
+whereas when Suzy Queue receives it, she'll see, "Hi, Suzy!"
+Besides the built-in tokens, you can use a hook to create new custom tokens.
+Let's make a new one that will show the largest contribution each recipient has
+given in the past.
+ * Implement this hook so we can add our new token to the list of tokens
+ * displayed to CiviMail users and set the default
+ *
+ * @param array $tokens
+function myextension_civicrm_tokens(&$tokens) {
+  if (isset($tokens['contribution'])) {
+    return;
+  }
+  $tokens['contribution'] = array('contribution.max' => 'Max Contribution');
+ * @param array $details
+ *   The array to store the token values indexed by contactIDs (unless single)
+ * @param array $contactIDs
+ *   An array of contactIDs
+ * @param int $jobID
+ *   The jobID if this is associated with a CiviMail mailing.
+ * @param array $tokens
+ *   The list of tokens associated with the content
+ * @param string $className
+ *   The top level className from where the hook is invoked
+ *
+ * @return null
+function myextension_civicrm_tokenValues(&$details, $contactIDs, $jobID, $tokens, $className) {
+  // validate that we're targeting the right event
+  if ($className != SomeCustomClass::class) {
+    return;
+  }
+  // fetch the maximum contribution here
+  foreach ($contactIDs as $contactID) {
+    $max = my_function_to_get_the_max($contactID);
+    $details[$contactID]['contribution.max'] = $max;
+  }
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similarity index 100%
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rename to docs/hooks/usage/symfony.md
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@@ -57,12 +57,13 @@ pages:
   - APIv3 Interfaces: api/interfaces.md
   - APIv3 Changes: api/changes.md
 - Hooks:
-  - Using Hooks: hooks/index.md
-  - Setup:
-    - Hooks with Symfony: hooks/setup/symfony.md
-    - Hooks with Joomla: hooks/setup/joomla.md
-    - Hooks with Drupal: hooks/setup/drupal.md
-    - Hooks with WordPress: hooks/setup/wordpress.md
+  - Hooks Introduction: hooks/index.md
+  - Usage:
+    - Hooks in Extensions: hooks/usage/extension.md
+    - Hooks in Symfony: hooks/usage/symfony.md
+    - Hooks in Drupal: hooks/usage/drupal.md
+    - Hooks in Joomla: hooks/usage/joomla.md
+    - Hooks in WordPress: hooks/usage/wordpress.md
   - All Hooks: hooks/list.md
   - Batch Hooks:
     - hook_civicrm_batchItems: hooks/hook_civicrm_batchItems.md