diff --git a/docs/framework/angular/loader.md b/docs/framework/angular/loader.md
index 4041166b99010e34de41cc3e3b9efdc07d2fdc1d..6d1db0860561182182108c616e76f3510092ae0c 100644
--- a/docs/framework/angular/loader.md
+++ b/docs/framework/angular/loader.md
@@ -3,49 +3,33 @@
 What happens when a user visits a CiviCR-Angular page? For example, let's
 consider this URL:
- * `https://example.org/civicrm/a/#/mailing/new`
+ * `https://example.org/civicrm/a/#/caseType`
 Broadly speaking, two things happen:
  1. (Server-side) CiviCRM processes the request for `civicrm/a`. It
-    displays a web-page with all your Angular modules.
- 2. (Client-side) AngularJS processes the request for `mailing/new`.
-    It uses an HTML template to setup the UI.
+    displays a web-page with all your Angular modules -- such as
+    `crmAttachment`, `crmCaseType`, `crmUi`, and so on.
+ 2. (Client-side) AngularJS processes the request.  It finds that the
+    module `crmCaseType` includes a route for `#/caseType` and loads the
+    appropriate HTML template.
 The client-side behavior is well-defined by Angular
 [ngRoute](https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ngRoute).  We'll explore the
 server-side in greater depth because that is unique to the CiviCRM-Angular
-## The library of AngularJS modules
+!!! caution "Discusses new/experimental interfaces"
-CiviCRM needs a list of available AngularJS modules.  Technically, these
-modules are defined via
-[hook_civicrm_angularModules](/hooks/hook_civicrm_angularModules.md), e.g.
+    Some elements of this document have been around since CiviCRM v4.6
+    and should remain well-supported. Other elements are new circa v4.7.21
+    and are still flagged experimental.
- * Implements hook_civicrm_angularModules.
- */
-function foobar_civicrm_angularModules(&$angularModules) {
-  $angularModules['myBigAngularModule'] = array(
-    'ext' => 'org.example.foobar',
-    'basePages' => array('civicrm/a'),
-    'requires' => array('crmUi', 'crmUtils', 'ngRoute'),
-    'js' => array('ang/myBigangularModule/*.js'),
-    'css' => array('ang/myBigangularModule/*.css'),
-    'partials' => array('ang/myBigangularModule'),
-  );
+## Library of modules
-!!! tip "Tip: Generating skeletal code with `civix`"
-    In practice, this skeletal code can be autogenerated usin `civix`.
-    For details, see [AngularJS: Quick Start](/framework/angular/quickstart.md).
-The list of available modules varies depending on your system configuration:
-if you install more CiviCRM extensions, then you might have more Angular
-modules.  Use `cv` to inspect the list of available Angular modules:
+The CiviCRM-Angular loader needs a list of available AngularJS modules.
+This list depends on your system configuration (e.g.  which CiviCRM
+extensions are enabled).  To view the current list, run `cv`:
 $ cv ang:module:list
@@ -60,42 +44,58 @@ For a full list, try passing --user=[username].
 | crmAttachment     | civicrm/a   | angularFileUpload, crmResource                                                     |
 | crmAutosave       | civicrm/a   | crmUtil                                                                            |
 | crmCaseType       | civicrm/a   | ngRoute, ui.utils, crmUi, unsavedChanges, crmUtil, crmResource                     |
 !!! tip "Tip: More options for `cv ang:module:list`"
-    * Use `--columns` to specify which columns to display. Ex: `cv ang:module:list --columns=name,ext,extDir`
-    * Use `--out` to specify an output format. Ex: `cv ang:module:list --out=json-pretty`
-    * Use `--user` to specify a login user using with. This may reveal permission-dependent modules. Ex: `cv ang:module:list --user=admin`
+    Use `--columns` to specify which columns to display. Ex:
-## The default base page (`civicrm/a`)
+    ```
+    $ cv ang:module:list --columns=name,ext,extDir
+    ```
-CiviCRM includes a default base-page named `civicrm/a`. Any module can add new routes on
-this page.  The page might look like this:
+    Use `--out` to specify an output format. Ex:
-<!-- URL: https://example.org/civirm/a -->
-<script type="text/javascript" src="https://example.org/.../angular.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="https://example.org/.../angular-route.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="https://example.org/.../crmApp.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="https://example.org/.../crmCaseType.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="https://example.org/.../crmMailing.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="https://example.org/.../crmUi.js"></script>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://example.org/.../crmUi.css" />
-  <div ng-app="crmApp"></div>
+    ```
+    $ cv ang:module:list --out=json-pretty
+    ```
+    Use `--user` to specify a login user. This may reveal permission-dependent modules. Ex:
+    ```
+    $ cv ang:module:list --user=admin
+    ```
+Under-the-hood, this library of modules is defined via
+[hook_civicrm_angularModules](/hooks/hook_civicrm_angularModules.md), e.g.
+ * Implements hook_civicrm_angularModules.
+ */
+function foobar_civicrm_angularModules(&$angularModules) {
+  $angularModules['myBigAngularModule'] = array(
+    'ext' => 'org.example.foobar',
+    'basePages' => array('civicrm/a'),
+    'requires' => array('crmUi', 'crmUtils', 'ngRoute'),
+    'js' => array('ang/myBigangularModule/*.js'),
+    'css' => array('ang/myBigangularModule/*.css'),
+    'partials' => array('ang/myBigangularModule'),
+  );
-!!! note "In practice, the JS files may be aggregated and/or minimized."
+!!! tip "Tip: Generating skeletal code with `civix`"
+    In practice, one usually doesn't need to implement this hook directly.
+    Instead, generate skeletal code with `civix`.  For details, see
+    [AngularJS: Quick Start](/framework/angular/quickstart.md).
+## Default base-page
-The markup is generated by a PHP class, `AngularLoader`, using logic like this:
+CiviCRM includes a "base-page" named `civicrm/a`.  By default, this page
+includes the core AngularJS files as well as all the modules in the library.
+The page is generated with a PHP class, `AngularLoader`, using logic like this:
 $loader = new \Civi\Angular\AngularLoader();
@@ -109,10 +109,73 @@ and loads them on the page. This will include:
  * Any AngularJS modules explicitly listed in `setModules(...)`. (Ex: `crmApp`)
  * Any AngularJS modules with matching `basePages`. (Ex: The value `civicrm/a`
-   is specified by both `setPageName(...)` and `myBigAngularModule` [above].)
+   is specified by both `setPageName(...)` [above] and `myBigAngularModule` [above].)
  * Any AngularJS modules transitively required by the above.
 !!! note "What makes `civicrm/a` special?"
     When declaring a module, the property `basePages` will default to
     `array('civicrm/a')`.  In other words, if you don't specify otherwise,
-    all modules are loaded on  `civicrm/a`.
+    all modules are loaded on `civicrm/a`.
+## Custom base-pages
+Loading all Angular modules on one page poses a trade-off.  On one hand, it
+warms up the caches and enables quick transitions between screens.  On the
+other hand, the page could become bloated with modules that aren't actually
+If this is a concern, then you can create new base-pages which are tuned to
+a more specific use-case.  For example, suppose we want to create a page
+which *only* has the CiviCase administrative UI.
+First, create a skeletal CiviCRM page:
+$ civix generate:page CaseAdmin civicrm/caseadmin
+Second, edit the new PHP file and update the `run()` function.  Create an
+`AngularLoader` to load all the JS/CSS files:
+public function run() {
+  $loader = new \Civi\Angular\AngularLoader();
+  $loader->setModules(array('crmCaseType'));
+  $loader->setPageName('civicrm/caseadmin');
+  $loader->load();
+  parent::run();
+Third, initialize AngularJS on the client-side.  You might put this
+in the Smarty template:
+<div ng-app="crmCaseType">
+  <div ng-view=""></div>
+Finally, flush the cache and visit the new page.
+# Flush the cache
+$ cv flush
+# Lookup the URL (Drupal 7 example)
+$ cv url 'civicrm/caseadmin/#/caseType'
+!!! seealso "See Also: AngularJS Bootstrap Guide"
+    There are a few ways to boot Angular, such as `ng-app="..."` or
+    `angular.bootstrap(...);`.  These techniques are discussed more in the
+    [AngularJS Bootstrap Guide](https://code.angularjs.org/1.5.11/docs/guide/bootstrap).
+!!! caution "Embedding Angular in other contexts"
+    The `AngularLoader` does not require a standalone page -- for
+    example, you might inject Angular onto a pre-existing, non-Angular page
+    by using `hook_civicrm_pageRun` and `AngularLoader`.  Some extensions do
+    this -- though it remains to be seen whether this is *wise*.