From c801651a1b8ac3949e91bb6fbdfeaee8fc4475ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Erich Schulz <>
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2017 10:42:59 +1000
Subject: [PATCH] initial exact cut and paste of confluence content

 docs/extensions/ | 796 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 mkdocs.yml                                |   1 +
 2 files changed, 797 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 docs/extensions/

diff --git a/docs/extensions/ b/docs/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79e851ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,796 @@
+# Create a Module Extension
+-   Have basic knowledge of PHP, Unix, and object-oriented programming
+-   Install ***civix v14.01*** or newer. For instructions, see
+    [](
+    . This wiki page assumes that "civix" is installed and registered in
+    the PATH.
+-   Configure an extensions directory. For instructions, see
+    [Extensions](
+    This wiki page assumes the directory is "/var/www/extensions", but
+    you should adapt as appropriate.\
+     Your extensions directory must be under the CMS root directory so
+    that civix can find and bootstrap the CMS. Otherwise, it will fail
+    with an error like "Sorry, could not locate" on most
+    operations.
+-   The user account you use to develop the module must have permission
+    to read all CMS files, including configuration files, and write to
+    the extensions directory.\
+     For example, Debian's drupal7 package saves database configuration
+    to /etc/drupal/7/sites/default/dbconfig.php, which is only readable
+    by the www-data user. You will need to make this file readable by
+    your development user account for civix to work.
+**Table of Contents**
+-   [Generate a skeletal
+    extension](#CreateaModuleExtension-Generateaskeletalextension)
+-   [Update "info.xml"](#CreateaModuleExtension-Update"info.xml")
+-   [Enable the extension](#CreateaModuleExtension-Enabletheextension)
+-   [Add features](#CreateaModuleExtension-Addfeatures)
+-   [Add a basic web page](#CreateaModuleExtension-Addabasicwebpage)
+-   [Add a basic web form](#CreateaModuleExtension-Addabasicwebform)
+-   [Add a database upgrader / Installer /
+    uninstaller](#CreateaModuleExtension-Addadatabaseupgrader/Installer/uninstaller)
+-   [Add a case type (CiviCRM
+    v4.4+)](#CreateaModuleExtension-Addacasetype(CiviCRMv4.4+))
+-   [Add custom fields (CiviCRM
+    v4.4+)](#CreateaModuleExtension-Addcustomfields(CiviCRMv4.4+))
+-   [Add a hook function](#CreateaModuleExtension-Addahookfunction)
+-   [Add a resource file](#CreateaModuleExtension-Addaresourcefile)
+-   [Add a report](#CreateaModuleExtension-Addareport)
+-   [Add a custom search](#CreateaModuleExtension-Addacustomsearch)
+-   [Add an API function](#CreateaModuleExtension-AddanAPIfunction)
+-   [Add a new entity](#CreateaModuleExtension-Addanewentity)
+-   [Add a unit-test class](#CreateaModuleExtension-Addaunit-testclass)
+-   [Frequently asked
+    questions](#CreateaModuleExtension-Frequentlyaskedquestions)
+-   [How does one add an ajax/web-service
+    callback?](#CreateaModuleExtension-Howdoesoneaddanajax/web-servicecallback?)
+-   [How does one add a standalone PHP
+    script?](#CreateaModuleExtension-HowdoesoneaddastandalonePHPscript?)
+-   [How does one add a cron
+    job?](#CreateaModuleExtension-Howdoesoneaddacronjob?)
+-   [Troubleshooting](#CreateaModuleExtension-Troubleshooting)
+# Generate a skeletal extension
+To generate a skeletal extension module, we will use "civix
+[generate:module](http://generatemodule)" and pass in the name for our
+extension. All extension names follow the same convention as Java
+package names – they look like reversed domain names. (e.g.
+For module-extensions, the last word in the module name will be the
+module's *short-name*. The short-name *must* be unique. It is possible
+to pick a different short-name, but that requires extra work (which is
+outside the scope of this document).
+**Using "civix generate:module"**
+This creates three files:
+-   ***info.xml*** is a manifest that describes your extension – the
+    name, license, version number, etc. You should edit most information
+    in this file.
+-   ***myextension.php*** stores source code for all your hooks. It
+    includes a few default hook implementations which will make
+    development easier. You can add and remove hooks as you wish. (Note:
+    This file name is different in each module – it is based the
+    module's *short-name*.)
+-   ***myextension.civix.php*** contains auto-generated helper
+    functions. These deal with common problems like registering your
+    module in the template include-path. civix may automatically
+    overwrite this file, so you generally should not edit it.
+In addition, it creates some empty directories. These directories are
+reminiscent of the directory structure in CiviCRM core:
+-   ***CRM/Myextension/*** stores PHP class files; classes in this
+    folder should be prefixed with "CRM\_Myextension\_"
+-   ***templates/*** stores Smarty templates
+-   ***xml/*** stores XML configuration files (such a URL routes)
+-   ***build/*** stores exportable .zip files
+The command attempts to autodetect authorship information (your name and
+email address) by reading the git configuration. If this fails or is
+otherwise incorrect, then you may pass explicit values with **--author**
+and **--email**.
+# Update "info.xml"
+The default ***info.xml*** file contains some examples and placeholders
+which should be fixed. Most of these fields can be edited intuitively.
+If you need detailed specifications, see [Extension
+# Enable the extension
+Now that you've created your extension, you can activate by navigating
+to "**Administer****»** **System Settings** **»** **Manage Extensions**"
+or "**» Administer » Customize Data and Screens » Manage Extensions.**"
+For more detailed instructions, see
+# Add features
+There are many different features that you can add to a module-extension
+at your discretion. A few possibilities:
+### Add a basic web page
+CiviCRM uses a typical web-MVC architecture. To implement a basic web
+page, one must create a PHP controller class, create a Smarty template
+file, and create a routing rule. You can create the appropriate files by
+calling "civix [generate:page](http://generatepage)"
+**Using "civix generate:page"**
+This creates three files:
+-   ***xml/Menu/myextension.xml*** defines request-routing rules and
+    associates the controller ("CRM\_Myextension\_Page\_Greeter") with
+    the web path ("civicrm/greeter")
+-   ***CRM/Myextension/Page/Greeter.php*** is the controller which
+    coordinates any parsing, validation, business-logic, or database
+    operations.
+-   ***templates/CRM/Myextension/Page/Greeter.tpl*** is loaded
+    automatically after the controller executes. It defines the markup
+    that is eventually displayed. For more information on the syntax of
+    this file, see
+    [](
+    .
+The auto-generated code for the controller and view demonstrate a few
+basic operations, such as passing data from the controller to the view.
+After adding or modifying a route in the XML file, you must reset
+CiviCRMs "menu cache". This can be done in a web browser by visiting
+"/civicrm/menu/rebuild?reset=1" or by running
+`drush                           cc civicrm` if using Drupal & Drush.
+**Edit In Place**\
+If the data on the page is read and updated through the API, then you
+may want to consider using the [in-place
+editing](/confluence/display/CRMDOC/In-Place+Field+Editing) API.
+### Add a basic web form
+CiviCRM uses a typical web-MVC architecture. To implement a basic web
+form, one must create a PHP controller class, create a Smarty template
+file, and create a routing rule. You can create the appropriate files by
+calling "civix [generate:form](http://generateform)"
+**Using "civix generate:form"**
+This creates three files:
+-   ***xml/Menu/myextension.xml*** defines request-routing rules and
+    associates the controller ("CRM\_Myextension\_Form\_FavoriteColor")
+    with the web path ("civicrm/favcolor")
+-   ***CRM/Myextension/Form/FavoriteColor.php*** is the controller which
+    coordinates any parsing, validation, business-logic, or database
+    operations. For more details on how this class works, see [QuickForm
+    Reference](
+-   ***templates/CRM/Myextension/Form/FavoriteColor.tpl*** is loaded
+    automatically after the controller executes. It defines the markup
+    that is eventually displayed. For more information on the syntax of
+    this file, see
+    [](
+    .
+The auto-generated code for the controller and view demonstrate a few
+basic operations, such as adding a <SELECT\> element to the form.
+After adding or modifying a route in the XML file, you must reset
+CiviCRMs "menu cache". This can be done in a web browser by visiting
+The form system is not well documented and may undergo significant
+revision after the CiviCRM 4.x series. In general, migrating basic pages
+will be easier than migrating basic forms, so you may want to consider
+to consider building your data-input UI using basic pages, the AJAX API,
+and/or the [in-place
+editing](/confluence/display/CRMDOC/In-Place+Field+Editing) API.
+### Add a database upgrader / Installer / uninstaller
+If your module requires creating or maintaining SQL tables, then you
+should create a class for managing database upgrades. The upgrader adds
+a class for managing installs and upgrades but you need to go in and
+comment out the various upgrade and uninstall functions
+to make it work. Generally your install script belongs in an sql folder
+in the root of your extension with a name like 'install'
+**Using "civix generate:upgrader"**
+This creates two files and one directory:
+-   ***CRM/Myextension/Upgrader.php*** stores a series of upgrade
+    functions based on a function naming pattern. (These are similar to
+    Drupal's
+    [hook\_update\_N](
+    You should examine the file's comments for example upgrade functions
+    – and then write your own.
+-   ***CRM/Myextension/Upgrader/Base.php*** contains helper functions
+    and adapters which make it easier to write the upgrader. This file
+    may be overwritten from time-to-time to provide new helpers or
+    adapters.
+-   sql
+After reviewing the examples and creating your own upgrade functions,
+you can execute the upgrades through the web interface by visiting the
+"Manage Extensions" screen. This screen will display an alert with an
+action-link to perform the upgrades.
+The "upgrader" class is a wrapper for
+which aims to be easy-to-use for developers with Drupal experience. If
+you need to organize the upgrade logic differently, then consider
+providing your own implementation of hook\_civicrm\_upgrade.
+Only use the upgrade system to manage new SQL tables. Do not manipulate
+core schema. (To discuss schema changes for the core system, go on IRC
+or the forums.)
+If you need to create triggers on core SQL tables, use
+This allows your triggers to coexist with triggers from other modules.
+### Add a case type (CiviCRM v4.4+)
+If you want to develop a custom case-type for CiviCase, then you can
+generate a skeletal CiviCase XML file.
+**Using "civix generate:case-type"**
+This creates two files:
+-   ***xml/case/Training.xml*** defines the roles, activity types, and
+    timelines associated with the new case type. For more in depth
+    discussion of CiviCase XML, see [CiviCase
+    Configuration](/confluence/display/CRMDOC/CiviCase+Configuration).
+-   ***alltypes.civix.php***(which may already exist) defines
+    implementations of various hooks (notably hook\_civicrm\_caseTypes).
+### Add custom fields (CiviCRM v4.4+)
+If your extension needs to instantiate one or more sets of custom data
+fields at installation, use these steps. Note that there are two
+qualitatively different examples for reference based on whether the
+custom data set extends an entity vs. a specific subtype of that entity.
+#### If extending a base entity (e.g. "Individual" – without any specific subtype):
+We will create a custom fields using the web interface and then export
+them for use with the extension. Steps:
+-   On your development instance of CiviCRM, create the new custom
+    fields using the web interface.
+-   Note the unique ID of the custom data group (aka "Custom Fieldset",
+    "CustomGroup" or "civicrm\_custom\_group") – you will need this in a
+    minute.
+-   Verify that civix is connected to your instance of CiviCRM by
+    running "civix [civicrm:ping](http://civicrmping)". (If the ping is
+    unsuccessful, re-read the civix and do the
+    post-installation configuration.)
+-   Create an XML file with "civix
+    [generate:custom-xml](http://generatecustom-xml)" – and be sure to
+    specify the custom-data group ID. (In the example below, it assumes
+    ID 7.)
+-   Create an upgrader file with "civix
+    [generate:upgrader](http://generateupgrader)" – this will load the
+    XML file during installation. (Example below.)
+**Using "civix generate:custom-xml"**
+Most of the CiviHR modules rely on the first approach:\
+ \
+#### \
+ If extending an entity of a specific subtype (e.g. Activities of type 'Volunteer')
+Unfortunately, the automatic export doesn't work too well when the
+custom-data group extends a specific subtype -- e.g. the "HR Emergency
+Contact" ext needs to create a custom-data group that describes
+Relationships with type "Emergency Contact". Internally, Civi uses
+"relationship type id\#s", but those aren't portable. As a quick
+work-around, I used Smarty:
+For example:\
+ \
+ To create this, I started by using "civix
+[generate:custom-data](http://generatecustom-data)" and then:\
+ \
+ 1. Rename the xml/auto\_install.xml to
+\2. In the .tpl file, change the value of
+<extends\_entity\_column\_value\>. Instead of a hard-coded type id\#,
+use a variable.\
+ 3. Add logic in the upgrader to create the relationship type\
+ 4. Add logic in the upgrader to evaluate the Smarty template
+### Add a hook function
+CiviCRM hook functions allow module-extensions to run extra logic as
+part of the normal CiviCRM processing – for example,
+***hook\_civicrm\_buildForm*** allows a module to run logic whenever a
+web-form is displayed, and ***hook\_civicrm\_post*** allows a module to
+run logic after any entity is saved. For detailed documentation about
+available hooks, see [Hook
+To implement a hook, you must add a function to the module's main .php
+file. (This file was created earlier by the
+"[generate:module](http://generatemodule)" command.) The function name
+is taken by combining the module's short-name with the hook's name.
+(This is just like Drupal's hook convention.)
+For example, suppose our module's main .php file is
+***myextension.php*** and that we want to use ***hook\_civicrm\_post***
+to write to a log file every time a contribution is saved. Then we would
+add the following code:
+**Implementing "hook\_civicrm\_post" in "myextension"**
+When you first created the skeletal project, several hook functions were
+auto-generated in *myextension.php*. These functions are usually about
+one line long – they simply delegate the work to another function. For
+example *myextension\_civicrm\_config()* delegates work to
+*\_myextension\_civix\_civicrm\_config()*. You should feel free to add
+more code to *myextension\_civicrm\_config()*, but you should preserve
+the call to **\_myextension**\_civix\_**civicrm*\_config().*
+### Add a resource file
+To include static resources – such as stylesheets, Javascript files, or
+images – you should place the files in your extension directory. To load
+the files at runtime, see the examples in the [Resource
+### Add a report
+CiviReport enables developers to define new business reports using
+customizable SQL logic and form layouts. Use
+"[generate:report](http://generatereport)" to get started:
+**Using "civix generate:report"**
+This creates three files:
+-   ***CRM/Myextension/Form/Report/MyReport.mgd.php*** stores metadata
+    about the report. The format of the file is based on
+    [hook\_civicrm\_managed](
+    and the
+    [API](
+-   ***CRM/Myextension/******Form/Report/MyReport.php*** contains the
+    form-builder and query-builder for the report. For details about its
+    structure, see the [CiviReport
+    Reference](
+-   ***templates/CRM/Myextension/Form/Report/MyReport.tpl*** contains
+    the report's HTML template. (Note: This usually delegates
+    responsibility to a core template and does not need to be edited.)
+**Copy an Existing Report**\
+The reports included in CiviCRM are
+[open-source](, and (pursuant to the AGPL
+license) you have the right to derive new reports from existing reports.
+This can be useful if one of the existing reports is close to meeting
+your needs but requires further PHP/SQL customization. To make a new
+report based on an existing report:
+-   Navigate to the "*civicrm/CRM/Report/Form/"* within your CiviCRM
+    source tree
+-   Determine the class-name of the original report. (For example, the
+    activity report is in the class "*CRM\_Report\_Form\_Activity*".)
+-   Return to your module directory and run the
+    "[generate:report](http://generatereport)" command, e.g.
+**Using "generate:report --copy"**
+### Add a custom search
+CiviCRM enables developers to define new search forms using customizable
+SQL logic and form layouts. Use
+"[generate:search](http://generatesearch)" to get started:
+**Using "civix generate:search"**
+This creates two files:
+-   ***CRM/Myextension/Form/Search/MySearch.mgd.php*** stores metadata
+    about the custom search. The format of the file is based on
+    [hook\_civicrm\_managed](
+    and the
+    [API](
+-   ***CRM/Myextension/******Form/Search/MySearch.php*** contains the
+    form-builder and query-builder for the custom search.
+**Copy an Existing Search**\
+The custom search classes included in CiviCRM are
+[open-source](, and (pursuant to the AGPL
+license) you have the right to derive new searches from existing
+searches. This can be useful if one of the existing searches is close to
+meeting your needs but requires further PHP/SQL/TPL customization. To
+make a new search based on an existing search:
+-   Navigate to the "*civicrm/CRM/Contact/Form/Search/Custom"* within
+    your CiviCRM source tree
+-   Determine the class-name of the original search. (For example, the
+    zipcode search is in the class
+    "*CRM\_Contact\_Form\_Search\_Custom\_ZipCodeRange*".)
+-   Return to your module directory and run the
+    "[generate:search](http://generatesearch)" command, e.g.
+**Using "generate:search --copy"**
+The "copy" option will sometimes create two or three files – depending
+on whether the original search screen defines its own Smarty template.
+### Add an API function
+The [CiviCRM
+provides a way to expose functions for use by other developers – API
+functions can be useful for implementing AJAX interfaces (using the
+cj().crmAPI() helper), and they can also be called via REST, PHP,
+Smarty, Drush CLI, and more. Each API requires a two-part name: an
+entity name (such as "Contact", "Event", or "MyEntity") and an action
+name (such as "Create" or "MyAction").
+**Using "civix generate:api"**
+Action names should be lowercase. The javascript helpers CRM.api() and
+CRM.api3() force actions to be lowercase. This issues does not present
+itself in the API Explorer or when the api action is called via PHP,
+This creates one file:
+-   ***api/v3/NewEntity/NewAction.php*** provides the API function. Note
+    that the parameters and return values must be processed in a
+    particular way (as demonstrated by the auto-generated file).
+For use with CiviCRM 4.3, one can also add the "–schedule" option (e.g.
+"–schedule Hourly"). This will create another file:
+-   ***api/v3/NewEntity/NewAction.mgd.php*** provides the scheduling
+    record that will appear in the CiviCRM's job-manager.
+### Add a new entity
+You may have a need to create a new entity that doesn't exist in
+CiviCRM. For this, you can use the command civix generate:entity - which
+as of this writing is considered "experimental and incomplete". This
+documentation will guide you through filling in the blanks.
+-   Pick a name for your entity. In some places, CiviCRM expects a
+    FirstLetterCapitalizedName, in others, an underscore\_name. Be
+    absolutely consistent in your naming, because CiviCRM expects to be
+    able to translate between those two naming conventions.
+-   Run `civix generate:entity <name of entity>` (entity name should be
+    FirstLetterCapitalized here). This creates a skeletal file for your
+    XML schema, your BAO, and your API. It does NOT create a skeletal
+    SQL file to create your table or DAO files at this time.
+-   Edit the XML schema in the "xml" folder to match the fields you
+    want. Minimal documentation is available
+    [here](,
+    but you're better off looking at the [existing XML
+    schemata](
+-   Create a DAO file. For now, civix does not handle this. You can
+    create this by hand; alternatively, use [this
+    technique]( Copy your
+    XML schema into a development copy of CiviCRM. Edit Schema.xml to
+    include your XML file, then from the xml folder, run
+    `php ./GenCode.php` (In CiviCRM 4.7.12+, run
+    `<civiroot>/bin/ -g` instead). This will generate a DAO file
+    for you in the CiviCRM core code; copy it into the
+    CRM/<Entityname\>/DAO folder of your extension.
+-   At this time, civix also does not generate the SQL to create and
+    drop your table(s). You can create these by hand; alternatively, if
+    you used the `<civiroot>/bin/ -g` technique to create your
+    DAO, SQL will have been generated for you in
+    `<civiroot>/sql/civicrm.mysql`. Once you have the SQL statements for
+    creating and dropping your SQL tables, you can name them
+    `auto_install.sql                   `and `auto_uninstall.sql`
+    respectively and drop them in your "sql" folder. They will be run
+    automatically on install if you generated an upgrader. Note that
+    using `auto_install.sql                   `and `auto_uninstall.sql`
+    is not best practice if you have multiple statements in each file,
+    since you can't error check each statement separately.
+-   Run `civix generate:upgrader` from within your extension. [More
+    details are
+    here](
+-   Define your entity using
+    [hook\_civicrm\_entityTypes](
+### Add a unit-test class
+Unit-testing is an invaluable to way to maintain quality-control over
+your extension. When developing a test case for a CiviCRM extension, it
+is useful to run the test case within an active, clean CiviCRM
+environment. The CiviCRM/Civix testing tools will automate this – as
+long as you follow a few basic conventions. The following steps will
+create and run a test in your extension.
+Before preparing unit-tests with extensions, you must first:
+-   Configure the test system for core CiviCRM. See [Setting up your
+    personal testing sandbox
+    HOWTO](/confluence/display/CRM/Setting+up+your+personal+testing+sandbox+HOWTO).
+-   Ensure that the extension is enabled on the linked CiviCRM site
+First, create a skeletal test-class. The class name should be placed in
+your extension's namespace (*CRM\_Myextension*) and should end with the
+word *Test*.
+**Using "civix generate:test"**
+This creates a new directory and a new PHP file:
+-   ***tests/phpunit*** is the base directory for all test classes.
+-   ***tests/phpunit/CRM/Myextension/MyTest.php*** is the actual test
+    class. It should be written according to the conventions of
+    [PHPUnit](
+To make sure you can run the test civix needs to know where the CiviCRM
+base install is:
+To run this test-class, change to your extension folder and call "civix
+**Using "civix test"**
+The skeletal test class doesn't do anything useful. For more details on
+how to write a test class:
+-   Read [PHP Unit Manual: Writing Tests for
+    PHPUnit.](
+-   Review the example code in
+    [org.civicrm.exampletests](
+# Frequently asked questions
+### How does one add an ajax/web-service callback?
+There are three options:
+-   **Full control:**Add a basic page. Remove the parent::run() call
+    from the run() function, and at the bottom of the run() function,
+    perform your own output (eg "*echo json\_encode($data)*") and then
+    short-circuit processing (eg "*CRM\_Utils\_System::civiExit()*") so
+    that neither Smarty nor the CMS modify the output.
+-   **Using ajax helpers (CiviCRM 4.5 and above**): Generate a page with
+    civix as above. Build your data in the run() function. If the
+    client-side request includes *snippet=json* in the url, just append
+    your data to *$this-\>ajaxResponse* array and the rest will happen
+    automatically. If not, you can directly call
+    CRM\_Core\_Page\_AJAX::returnJsonResponse() at the bottom of the run
+    function. See [Ajax Pages and
+    Forms](/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Ajax+Pages+and+Forms)
+    documentation.
+-   **Using the API:** Add an API function using the instructions above.
+    The API function can be called with the API's [AJAX
+    Interface](
+    This automatically handles issues like encoding and decoding the
+    request/response.
+### How does one add a standalone PHP script?
+This is tricky proposition. If the script is truly standalone and
+doesn't require any services from the CRM/CMS, then you can just add a
+new .php file to the extension... but it won't have access to CiviCRM's
+APIs, databases, classes, etc. If the standalone script needs those
+services, then it will need to ***bootstrap*** CiviCRM and the CMS. This
+is challenging for several reasons:
+-   The bootstrap mechanics are different in each CMS (Drupal, Joomla,
+    etc).
+-   The bootstrap mechanics are different for single-site installations
+    and multi-site installations
+-   To initiate a bootstrap from a script, one needs to determine the
+    local-path to the CiviCRM settings. However, the local-path of the
+    script is entirely independent of the local-path to the settings –
+    these are determined at the discretion of the site administrator.
+If you really need to do it, it's theoretically possibly to emulate an
+example like
+The results will likely be difficult for downstream users to
+Instead of creating a standalone script, consider one of these options:
+-   Add an API function (using the instructions above). The API function
+    can be called many different ways – PHP, REST, AJAX, CLI, Drush,
+    Smarty, cron, etc. CiviCRM used to include a number of standalone
+    scripts – many of these have been migrated to API functions because
+    this approach is simpler and more flexible.
+-   Add a basic page (using the instructions above). At the bottom of
+    the run() function, call "*CRM\_Utils\_System::civiExit()*" to
+    short-circuit theming and CMS processing.
+### How does one add a cron job?
+One can add an API function (using the instructions above) and create a
+schedule record. In CiviCRM 4.3, the schedule record can be
+automatically created; to do this, call "civix
+[generate:api](http://generateapi)" with the option "–schedule Daily"
+(or "-schedule Hourly", etc). CiviCRM will make a best-effort to meet
+the stated schedule.
+In CiviCRM 4.2, one can use APIs as cron jobs, but the schedule record
+won't be created automatically. The site administrator must manually
+insert a scheduling record by navigating to "Administer =\> System
+Settings =\> Scheduled Jobs".
+# Troubleshooting
+1.  I've created the files and edited them but I don't see the expected
+    changes.\
+     A: Did you install and enable your extension?
+    (<site\>/civicrm/admin/extensions?reset=1)\
+     \
+2.  I get Error: "Cannot instantiate API client -- please set connection
+    options in parameters.yml"\
+     A: You might have missed the step about setting
+    'civicrm\_api3\_conf\_path'
+    ([](,
+    or it didn't get set properly for some reason.\
+     \
+3.  I've tried to generate a page/report/search/upgrader/etc but it's
+    not working.\
+     A: For all of the various types, you must first run
+    [generate:module](http://generatemodule), and then \`cd\` into the
+    folder (e.g. com.example.myextension) before running one of the
+    other \`generate:\` commands.
+A few questions:
+1.  My developer used PHP to create SQL for the install, as well as a
+    .sql file with a few statements.
+    CRM\_Myextension\_Upgrader\_Base::onInstall only seems to execute
+    files like /sql/REV\#\_install.sql. Can we change this so some PHP
+    calling protocol is also possible? Or is one expected to put install
+    code into an CRM\_Myextension\_Upgrader::upgrade\_NNNN function?
+2.  Is there a required or recommended practice on how to name
+    'upgrades'? I like 4200 as the first upgrade to 4.2.
+3.  A MySQL / upgradability best practice question: if one wants to add
+    additional enums to a core enum, what is the best practice?
+    Currently we are just running:\
+     ALTER TABLE \`civicrm\_mailing\_bounce\_type\` CHANGE \`name\`
+    \`name\` ENUM( 'AOL', 'Away', 'DNS', 'Host', 'Inactive', 'Invalid',
+    'Loop', 'Quota', 'Relay', 'Spam', 'Syntax', 'Unknown', 'Mandrill
+    Hard', 'Mandrill Soft', 'Mandrill Spam', 'Mandrill Reject' )
+    CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8\_unicode\_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Type
+    of bounce';\
+     This isn't the greatest. While one can get the list of enums (kind
+    of) by using a query against INFORMATION\_SCHEMA, it returns the
+    field definition in a form like "enum('first','second')", which
+    would have to be parsed and then used in an ALTER statement like the
+    one above. Is that what we should be doing, in order to avoid core
+    and extensions stepping on each other as enums are changed? If so,
+    this approach would need to be done in core upgrades for all enum
+    fields as well.\
+1.  Agree that you should be able to use both PHP and SQL. Currently,
+    you can do the PHP by either tweaking the hook\_civicrm\_install or
+    by overloading the onInstall() method. But this probably isn't best
+    – so maybe it would be good to include empty
+    install()/uninstall()/enable()/disable() functions in the upgrader
+    class. That way everything can be seen/managed in the one file
+    (which better approximates the coding conventions from Drupal.
+2.  I really don't know the best convention. In the examples, I just
+    pantomimed Drupal. But the truth is probably that the DB-numbering
+    issue ties into other release practices – e.g. Does one support
+    several Civi releases – or only the newest? Does one maintain a
+    single build/branch for multiple Civi releases -- or separate
+    builds/branches for each.
+3.  It's a bad idea for extensions to manipulate core schema. This will
+    very likely break things in future releases. It's better to either
+    create new tables or coordinate schema changes in the core system.
+    For this particular example, it seems like there should be a
+    discussion with about why new bounce-types are required and how they
+    fit with reports/etc -- and then assess the options of either (a)
+    adding more options to the enum in core or (b) changing the enum to
+    an OptionGroup.
+I realize this page was written some time so my apologies for coming to
+the party a little late; I used the older version of Civix for
+boilerplating some extensions and just recently reconfigured my
+development environment with a new install of Civix on an Ubuntu virtual
+My question is about the Database Upgrader part of civix (**civix
+[generate:upgrader](http://generateupgrader)**). When we use this
+instruction it will stub out the code to run the installer and
+uninstaller SQL files but it doesn't actually create the empty SQL files
+and the installer/uninstaller hooks are commented out. I think the
+previous versions produced the empty SQL files and did not comment out
+the hooks. Is that correct?
+Further on the subject, is the correct course of action for the
+developer to open up CRM/module\_name/Upgrader.php, uncomment the
+install and uninstall hooks and then create the myinstall.sql and
+myuninstall.sql files as necessary?
+Oh, one last question regarding database table naming... What is the
+preferred practice for naming conventions? CiviCRM's database schema has
+triggers that run on civicrm tables that have in the past thwarted the
+use of custom tables prefixed with civicrm.
+-   I tried to verify whether previous versions of
+    "[generate:upgrader](http://generateupgrader)" automatically created
+    the SQL files. Running "git log
+    src/CRM/CivixBundle/Command/AddUpgraderCommand.php" doesn't show any
+    evidence that they did.
+-   The command "[generate:custom-data](http://generatecustom-data)"
+    does automatically create a file – but it's an XML file
+    (xml/auto\_install.xml).
+-   There are two ways to run some SQL as part of upgrader:
+    -   Create a file whose name matches "sql/\*\_install.sql". The
+        upgrader will automatically find/execute these files during
+        initial installation.
+    -   As you say, one can open-up CRM/module\_name/Upgrader.php -- and
+        then uncomment or add new lines. This is useful if you want to
+        control the sequencing (e.g. run some PHP code; then run some
+        SQL code; then run some more PHP code), and it's useful for
+        upgrades.
+-   For CiviHR, the naming convention was "civicrm\_hrfoo" (e.g.
+    "civicrm\_hrjob"). It may be notable that we also use
+    [\#L237](
+    . If there are issues with using tables that follow that convention,
+    then we should file bugs accordingly. (IIRC, there may be a
+    race-condition in terms of installing extensions with custom tables
+    and activating detailed logging.)
+I'm not seeing generate:custom-data with the current version of civix.
+Was it removed or part of an unreleased version of civix?
+My bad. The command is "generate:custom-xml". (It was called
+"generate:custom-data" in an unreleased draft.)
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 9fe1c0d8..7ad974f3 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ pages:
    - All Available Hooks:
 - Writing Extensions:
   - Basics: extensions/
+  - Confluence+Source: extensions/
   # - civix: extensions/
   # - Anatomy of Files: extensions/
   # - Using hooks: extensions/