diff --git a/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_postJob.md b/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_postJob.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0d621114bde2e9525d11bde230e233bb9988189c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_postJob.md
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+# hook_civicrm_postJob
+## Summary
+This hook is called after a scheduled job is executed or was interrupted by an exception.
+## Notes
+We suspect this hook will be useful for developers who want to monitor the execution time of scheduled jobs or check whether a job is stuck (started but never ends). It can also be used to monitor the execution status of jobs. It is useful in combination with the hook `hook_civicrm_preJob`.
+## Definition
+hook_civicrm_postJob($job, $params, $result) 
+## Parameters
+ - $job - instance of CRM_Core_DAO_Job, the executed job 
+ - $params - array of arguments given to the job
+ - $result - It can be:
+   + the array returned by the API call of the job
+   + the exception that interrupted the execution of the job
+## Return
+## Example
+function sencivity_civicrm_postJob($job, $params, $result) {
+  if ($result['is_error']) {
+    CRM_Core_Error::debug_log_message("Job $job->name failed!");
+  }
diff --git a/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_preJob.md b/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_preJob.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ec4fa6023576aa669cf000fa9ac634ad9b0a762b
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+++ b/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_preJob.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# hook_civicrm_preJob
+## Summary
+This hook is called before a scheduled job is executed.
+## Notes
+This hook does not allow aborting the job execution or modifying its parameters.
+We suspect this hook will be useful for developers who want to monitor the execution time of scheduled jobs or check whether a job is stuck (started but never ends). It is useful in combination with the hook `hook_civicrm_postJob`.
+## Definition
+hook_civicrm_preJob($job, $params) 
+## Parameters
+ - $job - instance of CRM_Core_DAO_Job, the job to be executed
+ - $params - array of arguments to be given to the job
+## Return
diff --git a/docs/hooks/list.md b/docs/hooks/list.md
index adeada6b7925faf9e15874ac9efb125ab5ac7bf6..9876f709237fa79acf524548ca75b64f98c5ebdb 100644
--- a/docs/hooks/list.md
+++ b/docs/hooks/list.md
@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ This is an overview list of all available hooks, listed by category.
 * **[hook_civicrm_membershipTypeValues](/hooks/hook_civicrm_membershipTypeValues.md)** - called when composing the array of membership types and their costs during a membership registration (new or renewal).
 * **[hook_civicrm_notePrivacy](/hooks/hook_civicrm_notePrivacy.md)** - provides a way to override the default privacy behavior for notes.
 * **[<del>hook_civicrm_optionValues</del>](/hooks/hook_civicrm_optionValues.md)** - deprecated in 4.7 in favor of [hook_civicrm_fieldOptions](/hooks/hook_civicrm_fieldOptions.md).
+* **[hook_civicrm_preJob](/hooks/hook_civicrm_preJob.md)** - called before executing a scheduled job.
+* **[hook_civicrm_postJob](/hooks/hook_civicrm_postJob.md)** - called after executing a scheduled job.
 * **[hook_civicrm_queryObjects](/hooks/hook_civicrm_queryObjects.md)** - called while building the core search query, allowing you to provide your own query objects which alter or extend the core search.
 * **[hook_civicrm_recent](/hooks/hook_civicrm_recent.md)** - called before storing recently viewed items.
 * **[hook_civicrm_tokens](/hooks/hook_civicrm_tokens.md)** - called to allow custom tokens to be defined.