diff --git a/docs/framework/angular/files.md b/docs/framework/angular/files.md
index 0fc28b31aad85fad34383643a5eab1d293c3d4b4..3316125ef46cf415372cf1c37eb87d3261c8a626 100644
--- a/docs/framework/angular/files.md
+++ b/docs/framework/angular/files.md
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ __Service Files__
    * `ang/{mymodule}/{FooBar}.js` - The declaration and logic for a service named `mymoduleFooBar`.
-!!! tip "Use tilde (`~`) to load HTML templates"
+!!! tip "Tip: Use tilde (`~`) to load HTML templates"
     When writing code for Angular, you might use an expression like
     `{templateUrl: 'https://example.org/FooBar.html'}`.  However,
     constructing a full URL that works in every Civi deployment would be