diff --git a/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_batchItems.md b/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_batchItems.md
index ed1f66ac7d26a7bc8b281c41cbfb46a5472283cc..c490be657c0ffc7b7466ab9e85b7580a72d2bacd 100644
--- a/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_batchItems.md
+++ b/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_batchItems.md
@@ -9,18 +9,16 @@ will be called three times regarding each batch.
 ## Definition
-    hook_civicrm_batchItems(&$results, &$items)
+hook_civicrm_batchItems(&$results, &$items)
 ## Parameters
--   `$results` - the query result for the current batch that is being
-    processed
--   `$items` - the entries of financial items that will actually become
-    the records on the CSV (still per batch based)
+-   `$results` - the query result for the current batch that is being processed
+-   `$items` - the entries of financial items that will actually become the records on the CSV (still per batch based)
 ## Hints
--   This hook can be used together with `hook_civicrm_batchQuey` to add/
-    modify the information in CSV batch exports
--   You can loop through the two parameters to modify per financial
-    item. This can even be used to filter financial items.
+-   This hook can be used together with `hook_civicrm_batchQuey` to add/modify the information in CSV batch exports
+-   You can loop through the two parameters to modify per financial item. This can even be used to filter financial items.