diff --git a/docs/framework/angular.md b/docs/framework/angular.md
index 2598672a43a33a57cc1865eb1e0f60372591f374..689cde204e27aa598bdc271e38470f87cfdf7071 100644
--- a/docs/framework/angular.md
+++ b/docs/framework/angular.md
@@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ and code.
 The CiviCRM-AngularJS integration must balance the expectations of these
 two cultures.  The balance works as follows:
- * __JS+HTML__: The general structure of the Javascript and HTML files
-   should meet the frontend developers' expectations.  These files should be
-   grounded in the same notations and concepts as the upstream AngularJS
-   framework.  (This means that AngularJS is not abstracted, wrapped, or
-   mapped by an intermediary like HTML_QuickForm, Symfony Forms or Drupal
-   Form API.)
- * __Build__: The process of building or activating modules should meet
-   administrators' expectations.  They should be managed by the PHP
-   application.  (This means that you won't see `gulp` or `grunt` managing
-   the final build -- because PHP logic fills that role.)
- * __Web Services__: The general structure of web-services should meet
-   the backend developers' expectations. These are implemented in PHP
-   (typically with CiviCRM APIv3).
+ * __Build/Activation__: The process of building or activating modules
+   should meet administrators' expectations.  It should be managed by the
+   PHP application.  (This means that you won't see `gulp` or `grunt`
+   orchestrating the final build -- because PHP logic fills that role.)
+ * __Frontend Code uses Angular (JS+HTML)__: The general structure of the
+   Javascript and HTML files should meet the frontend developers'
+   expectations.  These files should be grounded in the same notations and
+   concepts as the upstream AngularJS framework.  (This means that AngularJS
+   is not abstracted, wrapped, or mapped by an intermediary like
+   HTML_QuickForm, Symfony Forms or Drupal Form API.)
+ * __Backend Code uses Civi API (PHP)__: The general structure of
+   web-services should meet the backend developers' expectations.  These are
+   implemented in PHP (typically with CiviCRM APIv3).
 ## Basics
@@ -50,25 +50,27 @@ page -- it's an HTML document that looks a lot like this:
 <!-- URL: https://example.org/civicrm/a -->
  1: <html>
  2: <head>
- 3:   <script type="text/javascript" src="**all the Javascript files**"></script>
- 4:   <link rel="stylesheet" href="**all the CSS files**" />
- 5: </head>
- 6: <body>
- 7:   <div>...site wide header...</div>
- 8:   <div ng-app="crmApp"></div>
- 9:   <div>...site wide footer...</div>
-10: </body>
-11: </html>
+ 3:   <link rel="stylesheet" href="**all the CSS files**" />
+ 4:   <script type="text/javascript" src="**all the Javascript files**"></script>
+ 5:   <script type="text/javascript">var CRM = {**prefetched settings/data**};</script>
+ 6: </head>
+ 7: <body>
+ 8:   <div>...site wide header...</div>
+ 9:   <div ng-app="crmApp"></div>
+10:   <div>...site wide footer...</div>
+11: </body>
+12: </html>
 The first interaction comes when CiviCRM generates the initial HTML page:
  * CiviCRM listens for requests to the path `civicrm/a`. (It does this in a
    way which is compatible with multiple CMSs -- Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, etc.)
- * CiviCRM builds the list of JS/CSS files in lines 3-4.  (It does this in a
-   way which allows extensions to add new JS/CSS files.)
+ * CiviCRM builds the list of CSS/JS/JSON resources in lines 3-5.  (It does this in a
+   way which allows extensions to add new CSS/JS/JSON. See also:
+   [Resource Reference](https://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Resource+Reference).)
  * CiviCRM ensures that the page includes the site-wide elements, such as
-   lines 7 and 9. (It does this in a way which is compatible with multiple CMSs.)
+   lines 8 and 10. (It does this in a way which is compatible with multiple CMSs.)
 Once the page is loaded, it works just like any AngularJS 1.x application.
 It uses concepts like `ng-app`, "module", "directive", "service", "component", and
@@ -95,5 +97,5 @@ the discussion if you have a beginner-level understanding of both.
  * [Quick Start](angular/quickstart.md): How to create a new screen in the CiviCRM-Angular UI
  * [File Names](angular/files.md): How AngularJS files are named in `civicrm-core` and `civix`
- * [Loader](angular/loader.md): How JS/CSS files are loaded
+ * [Loader](angular/loader.md): How to find and load JS/CSS files for CiviCRM-Angular
  * [Modifications](angular/modify.md): How a third-party can modify the content of a CiviCRM-Angular UI