diff --git a/docs/markdownrules.md b/docs/markdownrules.md
index 8fec285e819284a208db4a722722be58ebceeddc..9d1a0a7ed218a2ef1d1bd5998a53784d58f5bb93 100644
--- a/docs/markdownrules.md
+++ b/docs/markdownrules.md
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
 Learning [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown)
 language is useful for:
--   Writing CiviCRM [extensions](extend) -- In order for your extension to be
+*   Writing CiviCRM [extensions](extend) -- In order for your extension to be
     compliant, you must provide extension documentation, written in markdown.
--   Writing other *.md* files that display on [GitHub]
--   Contributing to CiviCRM [documentation](documentation)
--   Chatting on [Mattermost](http://chat.civicrm.org)
--   Q&A on [Stack Exchange](http://civicrm.stackexchange.com)
+*   Writing other *.md* files that display on [GitHub]
+*   Contributing to CiviCRM [documentation](documentation)
+*   Chatting on [Mattermost](http://chat.civicrm.org)
+*   Q&A on [Stack Exchange](http://civicrm.stackexchange.com)
 [GitHub]: https://github.com
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ To maintain some consistency and peace of mind for documentation content editors
 ## Basics
--   `*italics*`
--   `**bold**`
--   `***bold and italic***`
--   `~~strikethrough~~` *(GitHub/Mattermost/StackExchange)*
--   `<del>strikethrough</del>` *(mkdocs)*
+*   `*italics*`
+*   `**bold**`
+*   `***bold and italic***`
+*   `~~strikethrough~~` *(GitHub/Mattermost/StackExchange)*
+*   `<del>strikethrough</del>` *(mkdocs)*
 Alternate syntax: Underscores for `_italics_` and `__bold__` also work on most
@@ -42,18 +42,18 @@ platforms.
 ## Hyperlinks
--   A basic hyperlink (in a sentence)
+*   A basic hyperlink (in a sentence)
         Try [CiviCRM](https://civicrm.org) for your database.
--   An internal hyperlink on mkdocs. The `.md` is optional.
+*   An internal hyperlink on mkdocs. The `.md` is optional.
     *Make sure to use an absolute path and precede the path with a slash,
     as shown below.*
--   With long URLs, the following syntax is better.
+*   With long URLs, the following syntax is better.
         See [this issue][CRM-19799] for more details.
@@ -152,16 +152,16 @@ markdown_extensions:
 ### Unordered lists
--   My first item is here.
--   My second item is here and a
+*   My first item is here.
+*   My second item is here and a
     bit longer than the first.
--   Then, a third.
+*   Then, a third.
 Alternate syntax:
--   Unordered lists also recognize `*` and `+` as item delimiters.
--   Markdown is somewhat flexible with the quantity and position of spaces when
+*   Unordered lists also recognize `-` and `+` as item delimiters.
+*   Markdown is somewhat flexible with the quantity and position of spaces when
     making lists, but using 3 spaces after the dash means that sub-lists look
     nicer in code.
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Alternate syntax:
 Alternate syntax:
--   Ordered lists items are automatically re-numbered sequentially upon display
+*   Ordered lists items are automatically re-numbered sequentially upon display
     which means all items can begin with `1`, or they can be ordered
     sequentially in code.
@@ -188,12 +188,12 @@ List items must be indented 4 spaces:
 1.  Item
     1.  Item
-    2.  Item
-2.  Item
+    1.  Item
+1.  Item
     * Item
     * Item
     * Item
-3. Item
+1. Item
@@ -243,17 +243,17 @@ A block of **"indented code"** with four spaces at the start of each line:
 ### Syntax highlighting for code
--   For code blocks, most platforms (e.g. mkdocs, GitHub) will guess guess the
+*   For code blocks, most platforms (e.g. mkdocs, GitHub) will guess guess the
     language of the code and automatically apply syntax highlighting to the
--   To force a particular type of syntax highlighting, use fenced code with a
+*   To force a particular type of syntax highlighting, use fenced code with a
     keyword (like `javascript` in this case) as follows:
         var cj = CRM.$ = jQuery;
--   Available language keywords for forced syntax highlighting differ slightly
+*   Available language keywords for forced syntax highlighting differ slightly
     by markdown platform, but here are some common ones:
     `as`, `atom`, `bas`, `bash`, `boot`, `c`, `c++`, `cake`, `cc`, `cjsx`,
     `cl2`, `clj`, `cljc`, `cljs`, `cljsc`, `cljs.hl`, `cljx`, `clojure`,
@@ -272,9 +272,9 @@ A block of **"indented code"** with four spaces at the start of each line:
     `scheme`, `scm`, `scpt`, `scss`, `sh`, `sld`, `smalltalk`, `sql`, `st`,
     `swift`, `tex`, `thor`, `v`, `vb`, `vbnet`, `vbs`, `vbscript`, `veo`,
     `xhtml`, `xml`, `xsl`, `yaml`, `zsh`
--   Syntax highlighting cannot be forced for indented code.
--   Syntax highlighting is not available for inline code.
--   [Stack Exchange syntax highlighting][stack exchange syntax highlighting] is
+*   Syntax highlighting cannot be forced for indented code.
+*   Syntax highlighting is not available for inline code.
+*   [Stack Exchange syntax highlighting][stack exchange syntax highlighting] is
     done differently.
 [stack exchange syntax highlighting]: http://stackoverflow.com/editing-help#syntax-highlighting
@@ -285,38 +285,38 @@ You can use **indented code within lists** by keeping a blank line
 above/below and indenting *4 spaces more than your list content*, like this:
--   First item
--   Look at this code:
+*   First item
+*   Look at this code:
--   More list items
--   A nested list is here:
+*   More list items
+*   A nested list is here:
     1.  Alpha
-    2.  Beta, with some code
+    1.  Beta, with some code
             CODE BLOCK WITHIN
             SUB-LIST ITEM
-    3. Gamma
+    1. Gamma
--   Fun, right?
+*   Fun, right?
 **Fenced code within lists** is shown below. It works on GitHub but **not
--   First item
--   Look at this code:
+*   First item
+*   Look at this code:
--   More list items
+*   More list items
 ## Admonitions
@@ -337,9 +337,9 @@ mkdocs**:
 Other types
--   "hint", "important" (visually identical to "tip")
--   "attention", "caution" (visually identical to "warning")
--   "error" (visually identical to "danger")
+*   "hint", "important" (visually identical to "tip")
+*   "attention", "caution" (visually identical to "warning")
+*   "error" (visually identical to "danger")
 ### Syntax
@@ -387,9 +387,9 @@ or
 ## Other markdown syntax
--   [Tables] (to be avoided when possible)
--   [Emojis] (great for Mattermost)
--   Blockquotes
+*   [Tables] (to be avoided when possible)
+*   [Emojis] (great for Mattermost)
+*   Blockquotes
         > This text is a blockquote, typically used
         > to represent prose written by a person. It
@@ -400,10 +400,10 @@ or
 ## External references
--   [Mattermost markdown](https://docs.mattermost.com/help/messaging/formatting-text.html)
--   [Stack Exchange markdown](http://stackoverflow.com/editing-help)
--   [GitHub markdown](https://help.github.com/categories/writing-on-github/)
--   [Official markdown reference](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax)
+*   [Mattermost markdown](https://docs.mattermost.com/help/messaging/formatting-text.html)
+*   [Stack Exchange markdown](http://stackoverflow.com/editing-help)
+*   [GitHub markdown](https://help.github.com/categories/writing-on-github/)
+*   [Official markdown reference](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax)
     (though somewhat difficult to read)