From 135e34fe067966da3160717b4b64b757690defbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sean Madsen <>
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2017 11:50:11 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Removing section "The Best Practices/Workflows/Tasks/Use
 Cases section". Honestly I don't understand what this section is asking
 documentation editors to do. If want this section back in, perhaps you could
 add some clarification?

 .../              | 41 -------------------
 1 file changed, 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/best-practices/ b/docs/best-practices/
index 31da4e67..2f570c8f 100644
--- a/docs/best-practices/
+++ b/docs/best-practices/
@@ -102,47 +102,6 @@ domain.
-## The Best Practices/Workflows/Tasks/Use Cases section
-*Audience*: Someone who is new to CiviCRM, potentially new to the
-non-profit sector, and not able to code their way out of a problem (i.e.,
-they likely have no coding skills at all).
-*Purpose*: To provide users with a quick introduction to CiviCRM's
-features from the perspective of job responsibilities, so potential
-clients can get a feel for how CiviCRM will help them fulfill their
-roles. And someone new to the non-profit sector can get a better sense of
-how exactly, CiviCRM can help them grow and sustain relationships. Step
-by step guides to common processes will also hopefully motivate people
-that they can learn this new, complicated system.
-*Section Focus*: Process required to complete one task. Tasks can
-include set up event registration, enter an offline donation, send a
-newsletter, etc. If each section can be read independent of any other,
-then readers can find exactly what they want based on how much time they
-have and what they need to learn for their job. Sections can probably
-satisfy these goals in 200 words or less.
-*Series*: Each task or section can be part of a series on fundraising,
-event planning, membership management, etc.
-*Expertise Level*: We probably want to start with beginning tasks.
-Advanced tasks that require extra coding, complicated combinations of
-modules, or burdensome data entry procedures for more personal
-acknowledgment letters (I'm thinking of the soft credit field) might be
-able to wait.
-*Relationship to CiviCRM User and Administrator Guide*: Process oriented
-sections end with a heading "Where to Learn More" and links to sections
-in the User and Administrator Guide that explain more thoroughly how to
-implement in CiviCRM the process just described.
-*Example*: In case anyone feels that having them in printable PDF form
-would make it easy to share and impress potential decision makers that
-this is right product for their organization. [Quick Start Guide to
-Fundraising - Offline
 ## Language
 ### Spelling and punctuation