diff --git a/docs/hooks/changes.md b/docs/hooks/changes.md
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--- a/docs/hooks/changes.md
+++ b/docs/hooks/changes.md
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ For API changes, see [APIv4 Changelog](../api/v4/changes.md) and [APIv3 Changelo
 ## CiviCRM 5.x
-### 5.47: hool_civicrm_pre - no longer called twice in some flows for relationship create (ie creating an employer relationship and importing contacts with a relationship)
+### 5.61 hook_importAlterMappedRow added for contribution imports
+### 5.47: hook_civicrm_pre - no longer called twice in some flows for relationship create (ie creating an employer relationship and importing contacts with a relationship)
 ### 5.43: hool_civicrm_alterMailParams - parameter `workflow` added, `valueName` deprecated, removal of old deprecated `groupName` commenced
diff --git a/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_import.md b/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_import.md
index a1c8d70b74005a255cb2c0f5e12a3cbdf5ae3d5a..c0cd235a623a21f740620de80685de5d58ed561f 100644
--- a/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_import.md
+++ b/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_import.md
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-# hook_civicrm_import
+~~# hook_civicrm_import~~
 ## Summary
+This hook is deprecated. The description below may be unreliable.
+We are working to replace it with `hook_civicrm_importAlterMappedRow`
 This hook is called after contacts have been imported into the system,
 and before the temp import table has been destroyed.
@@ -14,7 +18,7 @@ in future versions may extend to other objects.
 ## Definition
-    hook_civicrm_import( $object, $usage, &$objectRef, &$params )
+    hook_civicrm_import(string $object, $usage, &$objectRef, &$params)
 ## Parameters
diff --git a/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_importAlterMappedRow.md b/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_importAlterMappedRow.md
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51d6d253070beb2e47f396b3e7e69710a468cd4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/hooks/hook_civicrm_importAlterMappedRow.md
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# hook_civicrm_importAlterMappedParams
+## Summary
+This hook allows an import row to be adjusted, after the user configuration has
+been interpreted into an apiv4-ready format. It is called twice. The first time
+the usage is `validate` and the second time the usage is `import`. In the validate
+usage you should avoid doing any db lookups or anything resource intensive. Validate
+mode is intended for a quick pass before presenting the preview screen. For
+the `import` usage you can do more intensive lookups and change the data if needed.
+## Definition
+    hook_civicrm_import_importAlterMappedRow(string $importType, string $context, array &$mappedRow, array $rowValues, int $userJobID)
+## Parameters
+- @param string $importType This corresponds to the value in `civicrm_user_job.job_type`.
+- @param string $context import or validate.
+   In validate context only 'cheap' lookups should be done (e.g. using cached information).
+   Validate is intended to quickly process a whole file for errors. You should focus on
+   setting or unsetting key values to or from `'invalid_import_value'`.
+   During import mode heavier lookups can be done (e.g using custom logic to find the
+   relevant contact) as this is then passed to the api functions. If a row is invalid during
+   import mode you should throw an exception.
+- @param array $mappedRow (reference) The rows that have been mapped to an array of params.
+- @param array $rowValues The row from the data source (non-associative array)
+- @param int $userJobID id from civicrm_user_job
+## Availability
+This hook was first available in CiviCRM 5.61 for contribution imports. Other
+imports will be added when the `$mappedRow` data is internally in APIv4 format
+(as we want the data to be stable when the hook is added).
+## Example
+This example shows replacing the contact Organization name with one determined from
+a custom function. (In this case the function is outside the example, but
+it looks in the legal name & nick name fields for for the name)
+ * Implements hook_civicrm_importAlterMappedRow().
+ */
+  function my_extension_civicrm_importAlterMappedRow(string $importType, string $context, array &$mappedRow, array $rowValues, int $userJobID) {
+    if ($context === 'import' && $importType === 'contribution_import' && !empty($mappedRow['Contact']['organization_name'])) {
+      $mappedRow['Contact']['organization_name'] = Contact::resolveOrganizationName($mappedRow['Contact']['organization_name']);
+    }
+  }